Chimney discoloration doesn’t only ruin the appearance of your chimney but also indicates serious problems. Once you notice stains around your chimney, it’s best to call a professional right away to check for hidden issues in your fireplace.
To give you more information about this type of chimney issue, Batts’ Chimney Services lists some of the most common chimney stain colors and their causes.
Black Stains
Also called soot stains, this kind of discoloration develops on the exterior of a chimney. It is often caused by excess creosote, which results from burning unseasoned or green wood. This type of chimney stain should be addressed as soon as possible because creosote is a highly flammable substance that can cause a chimney fire.
Dark Green Stains
Algae growth is the main culprit behind dark green staining on chimney exteriors. This discoloration is present in areas where water has been allowed to pool or consistently flows. To determine the cause of the staining, consult an experienced chimney inspector.
Red Stains
This kind of discoloration often occurs on the sides of metal or prefabricated chimneys. Red staining is caused by the rusting of the metal of the chimney chase cover. When rust stains appear on the side of the chimney chase, it indicates that the chase cover may be letting water into the chimney and fireplace. To prevent water damage, replace the rusted cover.
White Stains
These powdery stains are white mineral salt left behind as water evaporates. Rain, groundwater and even sprinklers can cause white stains to form on a chimney’s exterior. However, interior staining generally indicates a chimney leak problem.
Batts’ Chimney Services is a trusted name when it comes to exceptional chimney services. We have a team of seasoned professionals who can help you identify and remove stains from your chimney. Schedule a consultation by calling us at (205) 956-8207 (Greater Birmingham Area) or (256) 660-1338 (Northern Alabama). You can also complete our online form to request an estimate.